I will come to your primary school or special school or nursery on a normal school day to train your staff to deliver yoga as part of the PE/PSHE Curriculum
I will train staff as an INSET DAY
I can now offer live remote teacher training
The Model
Advantages of training in your school

- Teaching and training is geared to the specific needs of your pupil
- More staff can be trained at a lower cost per head.
- There is no time away from school for any staff (or reporting back)
- No travel or hotel costs
- Staff can use the model immediately
- Pupils who do not normally enjoy physical activity will be fully engaged
- Class teachers quickly feel confident and will be inspired to teach this programme
The Training

- Structure lessons
- Engage children
- Deliver postures and activities safely
- Use calming & relaxation techniques in the lessons
- Incorporate sensory strategies
- Organise resources
- Speaking & Listening Skills
- Social Skills
- Self concept
Scheme of Work

Yoga for children with Autism, Aspergers Syndrome & Sensory Processing Disorders

I can walk into any situation where there are pupils with Autism - Mainstream or SEN - knowing that I will engage with 93% of the pupils in the yoga lesson. I can do this because I have a system that works - 93% of the time.
The system, which I have developed over many years, is not only highly effective with children on the Autism Spectrum, but also with children who have a wide range of related needs including ADHD, sensory disorders and behavioural problems.
Feedback from Schools
'Wow, what a great day we had when Michael came to our school to kick-start off our well-being week with yoga workshops for all of our classes, from Reception - Year 6.
By the end of the day the children and staff were all buzzing about their sessions, and saying which poses and games they liked best. Ever since his visit, if super sitting is mentioned, 200+ children all correct their posture and do the yoga pose taught by Michael.
The support he gave to teachers during the sessions was great. The structure allowed us to see how we would teach our own lessons and we are all now looking forward to when it is our turm for yoga. Michael's resources are also fantastic and will definitely help the staff to follow the scheme of work provided after our day's CPD.
I would just like to say another big thank you to Michael as all of the staff and children really did engage with this new part of our PE curriculum.
To anybody else who is thinking of asking Michael to visit your school, I would highly recommend you do!'
Katie Edwards, EYFS/KS1 Leader and PE LeaderGreen Oaks Primary Academy, Northampton
Articles in the Educational Media

Special Children Magazine.
Children's Yoga Books by Michael Chissick

Thirteen Great Articles by Michael Chissick including:

Yoga for Children with Autism - A Piece of Cake!